Health Professionals - Mental Health And Substance Use - Mental Health
BC Mental Health Information
This is a 24 hour line providing free information, referral and support for mental health and mental illness issues.more info
Elderly Outreach
Mental health services for seniors 65 and older.more info
Eric Martin Pavilion
This service provides ongoing in-patient psychiatric treatment and case management support for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness for the South Vancouver Island Region including Salt Spring Island.more info
Mental Health and Substance Use Services - Southern Gulf Islands
Part of Island Health, the Southern Gulf Islands Mental Health and Substance Use Team offers assessment and treatment for adults with mental health and substance use concerns to residents of Salt Spring Island and the other southern Gulf Islands. more info
Mood Disorders Association of BC
The association provides support and education for people with a mood disorder, their families and friends.more info
Yellow Submarine Mental Health Program
Provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals with chronic mental health issues to experience leisure, education, pre-employment and peer support opportunities.more info
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